dsc-dtu orientation

DSC Orientation for DTU Students

The orientation of DSC for DTU students powered by Google Developers


Student Orientation

On 04-09-2019,The team of DSC conducted it's orientation for students of Delhi Technological University. Students were informed about the history of Developer Student Club, the motive behind starting DSCs and the advantages of being part of DSC along with internships and placements bagged by the team. Students were also given a brief description about the projects the team has performed. Details about the non-tech team were also given


Developer Student Clubs chapter in DTU, an initiative by Google Developers, conducted an orientation in the first week of September. The rather informative session, witnessed a handsome footfall of tech enthusiasts from multiple branches of all years.

An interactive session which soon followed, cleared all queries that were asked by students about concerned fields such as ML,Android and Web Development. Details about recruitment interviews for the core and learning teams were given soon after.

To know more about Developer Student Clubs by Google Developers visit : https://developers.google.com/programs/dsc/

Some links

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